Imagine all phones people get rid of simply because a newer model comes out. Old phones that still work can serve a purpose. They can be used as the storage all of one’s music, a GPS device, photograph storage, an alarm clock, a flashlight in some cases, and a number of other things
Give your old electronics to CERTIFIED e-waste recycler. All certified e-waste recyclers are certified with a nonprofit organization named BAN (Basel Action Network)
Sell it. There is someone somewhere that is looking for something you don’t want anymore.
Many companies that produce electronics have an exchange policy where they take back old models of the technology and give to an organization that disposes of it ethically. You just have to ask if the company that made your device offers this option
Take Action
"Sustainable management of e-waste can combat poverty and generate green jobs through recycling, collection, and processing e-waste-- and safeguard the environment and human health from the hazards posed by rising levels of waste electronics."
- UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner